Home Buyers Can Protect Their Investments By Reading Their Inspection Reports

As a home buyer, you’ve spent all the time and energy to find the home. Now it’s time to spend the initial investment to know its condition, to make informed decisions.
We always recommend attending your inspections. Take the much-needed opportunity to look at the home (and garage), measure spaces, envision yourself in it, test a few items. Ask questions of your inspectors.
Familiarize yourself with the home or property. Much like taking your next new or used car for a test-drive. We want to help you understand your home and what it will need over time, not only for the escrow period. The report is what you are paying for in the end, so please read it. Ask your inspector any questions you may have.
Seldom, when there has been a problem in the past, we discover that a buyer didn’t read their inspection report. Even when told in-person on inspection day what they needed to do to address a problem, didn’t do so. Then there are buyers who don’t attend their inspections or read their reports, so they couldn’t follow our recommendations. We provided the information and recommendation(s) to help our client make informed decisions and act upon the information.
Maintaining a home, typically a used home and its systems requires work. Much like owning a car does. A used, older car generally requires additional service and upkeep. A home does, too. Refer back to your general physical and specialty inspection reports for recommendations on service and repairs, and further information about the systems.
Specialty inspections on an annual basis will help you know what is happening throughout your home, garage and with the property. Knowledge is power, if used accordingly and can save a lot of time and money.
Homeowners should have go-to contractors to help them service and maintain the structure and its systems.
We provide a directory on our website under “Contractor Referrals” as a helpful resource at www.laroccainspections.com.